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“A special thank you to all my friends and supporters. You give me the confidence to continue making art that’s meaningful, special and held close to both your heart and mine.” -Moneca 

“About 3 years ago I was in a mentor session and I had expressed to him that I was living a life for others, that I was unhappy but was comfortable because it still meant others around me would be happy. I lived in fear of feeling the heavy emotion of guilt and shame. My mentor at that time talked about having the "courage to act". These three words impacted me and when I talked with friends about issues in their lives, this is a phrase I continued to also bring to them because of the value they had on me.
About 2 months ago, I had to say good bye to my Rockie. Anyone who knows me knows Rockie was my absolute everything. He came before everything and everyone, -even before me. Rockie came with alot of lessons and my short 4 years with him came with many vet visits for his health, as well as behavioral specialists and behavioral vets for his fear based behaviours. Rockie taught me so much about GENUINE love, patience and trust. I was so extremely proud of him because he really started to trust the world and worked with me towards having more positive behaviours. He was a complete rock star and he was the center of my universe. He was my shadow and was at my side at all times just where I liked him to be.
Although ultimately Rockie's pain was what drove my reason to say the painful goodbye, My personal and familial relationships were also a factor. The phrase "courage to act" continued to play in my head about what changes I needed to act on to be able to have Rockie live a bit of a longer life where he could be comfortable just a little longer.
Unfortunately I didn't have the "courage to act" and that guilt has stayed with me and has made the grieving process harder and longer.
When I reached out to an old friend, Moneca, at Fairy Orbs I had let her know I wanted a necklace that was going represent Rockie through my special bond with him. I wanted his eyes to be the main focus. I wanted the necklace to be simple so I could wear it every day so that I could still feel like he was by my side at all times.
Moneca sent me pictures of the finished product and was extremely informative of what stones and materials she incorporated into the extremely special necklace. Moneca let me know she had incorporated a chunk of natural Carnelian inside.
Curiously, I googled this stone and one of the pictures that came up showed this stone and had the heading "courage to act". I just remember having a moment of complete shock that this phrase still followed me.
I don't know what energies in the world gave this beautiful woman the intuition to use this stone specifically, but I am in awe.
Realistically, I know we try to look for meaning and coincidences especially when something or someone close to us passes, and I really thought this necklace was going to be an object in memoriam, but now it is a solidified reminder to always have the "courage to act"- to live a life of empowerment, make decisions with confidence and live a life that will bring me happiness. The beautiful and impactful sentiment is that Rockie's image and memory is incorporated into this reminder. I was not able to find the courage during Rockie's time here to make changes to circumstances, but I now I'll have the constant reminder and something solid to hold on to when I need to take steps towards My happiness. Thank you Moneca for having impeccable intuition in having this beautiful message brought my way again unbeknownst to you! You have made this gift beyond special to me.”
-Halbie Y.
Calgary, Alberta

"There is so much love and care that's put into these! I love them!" - Jennifer R.   Regina Sask.

"10 Stars! Anything Moneca makes is not only interesting to look at but sparks up interesting conversations too!" - Ren M Oakville Ont. 

"Fairy Orbs makes great work! You can feel the love in every peice." Niki B. Vancouver, BC.